


Energy transformation and regional integration of power systems

At the invitation of the UAE government, the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Secretariat in collaboration with CEM workstreams is convening a side event at the 24th World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The CEM event will showcase six of its areas of work, which focus on the transformation of power systems. During this event, CEM workstreams will offer their perspectives on regional integration of power systems, each focusing on unique aspects and angles, which are central to their work. Several CEM member governments as well as private sector companies will speak at the event. The UAE government is actively engaged in these CEM workstreams and will offer its national and regional perspectives. The sessions will be framed and moderated by CEM Operating Agents/Coordinators, including IEA, IRENA, NREL, and GEIDCO. For more information please contact Ellina Levina, Partnerships Manager at the CEM Secretariat: 

The event will focus on the transformation of power systems and feature the following topics:

  • Long-term energy scenarios and planning.
  • Regional interconnection policy issues.
  • Regional integration and flexibility of power systems.
  • The interplay between nuclear and renewable energy.
  • The need and opportunities for carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS).