


We work together to
move the world towards a
Energy Future

The CEM brings together the world’s largest and leading countries, international organisations and companies to achieve a single mission: accelerate clean energy transitions.

Clean Energy Ministerial
Clean Energy Ministerial


The energy transition will affect every corner of the economy. The switch to clean, reliable and affordable energy will need international coalitions to find solutions in each sector to supercharge clean energy deployment and to bring communities along with them.

Latest Highlights

  • Agenda for Action on Power Systems Solutions

    Agenda for Action on Power Systems Solutions

    The Agenda for Action on Power Systems Solutions was launched at the 15th Clean Energy Ministerial in Brazil in October 2024. Endorsed by 28 CEM members, the Agenda for Action aims to boost power systems infrastructure deployment to achieve international climate and clean energy goals. Signatories of the Agenda for Action intend to create and deploy sustainable, decarbonized power systems that are cost-effective, equitable, secure, and resilient. This will be…

  • Action Plan to Accelerate Future Fuels

    Action Plan to Accelerate Future Fuels

    Future Fuels, such as sustainable biofuels, clean hydrogen and its derivatives (ammonia, e-fuels, e-methane), can drastically reduce emissions, and are therefore essential in the transition to net zero - particularly for the transport sector and heavy industries such as cement and steel production. The CEM Action Plan to Accelerate Future Fuels was launched at the 15th Clean Energy Ministerial in 2024 in Brazil with the aim of bringing CEM members…

  • Implementing Inclusivity Framework Launched at CEM15/MI-9

    Implementing Inclusivity Framework Launched at CEM15/MI-9

    [Foz do Iguacu, 2 October 2024] The 15th Clean Energy Ministerial and 9th Mission Innovation Ministerial marked the launch of the Implementing Inclusivity Framework: Recommendations from the CEM Equality in Energy Transitions Initiative & MI’s Inclusivity Catalyst. Read the Framework below: Implementing-Inclusivity-Framework_CEM15MI9-DeliverableDownload

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