Equal by 30 campaign

The Equal by 30 campaign is a public commitment by public and private sector organizations to work towards equal pay, equal leadership, and equal opportunities for women in the sector by 2030. Equal by 30 asks companies and governments to endorse principles, then take concrete action to increase the participation of women in the clean energy sector, and close the gender gap.

Successfully transitioning to a clean energy future will require innovative solutions, business models, and the participation of a diverse pool of talent. The energy sector remains one of the most gender-imbalanced, with women making up just 20 percent of the workforce. Women’s representation in renewable energy is only slightly higher at 35 percent. If we want women to become key drivers of innovative and inclusive solutions, and help accelerate the transition to a clean energy future, we need to take action now.
The opportunity
In 2015, world leaders committed to the Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 5 which aims to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030”. To achieve gender equity in the energy sector would mean achieving the 3Es: Equal opportunity, Equal pay and Equal leadership. The 3 Es are the principles behind Equal by 30, which seeks to build strong momentum and commitment from governments, industry and other energy stakeholders to implement actions which would accelerate the participation of women in the clean energy sector and achieve the gender equity goal (SDG 5) by 2030.
Gender diversity, and the broad participation of women in the energy sector, is necessary for enabling the clean energy transition. The evidence is overwhelmingly clear that higher participation of women in the workforce and in leadership roles results in greater organizational performance and stronger bottom lines.
Through this campaign, we are bringing together leadership from across the energy sector to endorse overarching principles that galvanize action, and help all players – from private sector companies to governments at all levels – find common ground for action.
Equal by 30 asks companies and governments to endorse principles, then take concrete action to increase the participation of women in the clean energy sector, and close the gender gap.
The high-level principles
Private sector principles
- We aim to lead by example, integrating equality principles into our organization and policies, and will step up our efforts to promote gender diversity activities in areas of recruitment and career advancement in particular.
- We pledge to highlight and support women, and close the gender gap, by promoting actions in our business.
- We will provide leadership and share our experiences and lessons learned on gender diversity programming and initiatives.
- We recognize the importance of reporting on progress and will support efforts to improve collection of gender disaggregated data so we can report on our progress in a transparent, open manner.
Public sector principles
- We aim to lead by example by taking concrete steps to promote gender equality so our lessons can serve as an example for others to follow.
- We aim to integrate a gender lens into all levels of our work, mainstreaming gender equality into our organizational culture and process.
- We will set high standards for the recruitment, promotion, and participation of women, adopting more rigorous requirements where necessary.
- We will report regularly within our organization and to the public we serve, so progress is measured, visible, well-communicated, and we are fully accountable to our citizens.
Campaign Manager