H2 Initiative Launches H2 Twin Cities Program
H2 Twin Cities are self-assembled, international community partnerships that share ideas, mentor and learn from each other, build a community of hydrogen best practices, and strengthen global commitment to environmental justice, social equity, and clean energy jobs.
Today there are limited regions in the world where hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are being deployed at scale. As clusters of hydrogen production and end-use applications at scale start to develop worldwide, sharing best practices and lessons learned can speed up technology deployment and adoption.
Supporting partnerships between cities across different continents can help build strong ties and a community of practice for leaders and implementers from cities, industry, government, and a broad group of stakeholders.
H2 Twin Cities can:
- Share lessons learned and best practices to accelerate demonstration and deployment of hydrogen technologies across applications
- Increase visibility for communities already deploying hydrogen projects
- Increase deployments and commitments for hydrogen and fuel cell project adoption
- Increase engagement of disadvantaged communities, the public, and stakeholders.
H2 Twin Cities is an initiative under the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) with support from multiple CEM country members and will collaborate with other global hydrogen partnerships like the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy, Mission Innovation, and more.
Types of Partnerships
- Sibling Cities: Pairings of cities from different countries that are already at the forefront of deploying hydrogen and fuel cell technologies with extensive experience and success in end-use acceptance, building infrastructure, and community awareness.
- Mentor-Mentee Cities: Pairings of cities from different countries that are at significantly different levels of hydrogen implementation. The Mentor city would share lessons learned and best practices with the Mentee city, which is committed to future deployment of hydrogen technologies.
Example Activities
- Stimulate regional clusters and getting to scale by developing reciprocal educational, municipal, business, professional and technical exchanges and projects for communities, city officials, and relevant deployment-focused stakeholders to creatively learn, work, and solve problems together.
- Create and share business cases for different applications and end uses (e.g., bus fleets, hospitals, trucks, industrial use) through videos or online tours.
- Share best practices in streamlined permitting and community/end-user acceptance such as through tutorials and webinars.
- Communities who are already front-runners in hydrogen deployments
- Cities committed to meeting climate goals and interested in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
Apply to join
Learn more: Contact Sarbojit Pal sarbojit.pal@cemsecretariat.org
Visit the H2 Twin Cities Website