Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Campaign

The Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Campaign concluded in May 2019.
This campaign strives to advance policy, investment, and information exchange in support of nearly zero energy buildings worldwide. The campaign aims to gather commitments of national authorities in accordance with their own policies. It also seeks to promote and collect commitments of subnational governments and buildings sector stakeholders ranging from building owners and developers to investors or financing institutions. Commitments may include participation in a ministerial call for national governments, pledges from the private sector to elaborate a policy towards NZEB buildings, or pledges from financing actors to orient activity towards energy efficiency in buildings.
To advance policy, investment, and information exchange in support of nearly zero energy buildings worldwide.

The NZEB campaign aims to gather commitments of national authorities in accordance with their own policies. It also seeks to promote and collect commitments of subnational governments and buildings sector stakeholders ranging from building owners and developers to investors or financing institutions. It welcomes all funding. Commitments may include participation in a ministerial call for national governments, pledges from the private sector to elaborate a policy towards NZEB buildings, or pledges from financing actors to orient activity towards energy efficiency in buildings.
The campaign includes several operational actions:
- A call for integrating the issue of building energy efficiency into public policies via a ministerial declaration open for signature.
- A call for the swift mobilisation of private capital for the financing and refinancing of investments in sustainable buildings and for the more effective use of existing public funds or aid programmes based on good practices; for example, the Technical Assistance Facility Energy Efficiency Program for Buildings, which today finances, with German and French funds, a first series of projects, notably in Tunisia, Vietnam and Senegal.
- A platform for commitments highlighting pioneering players such as real estate owners, developers, or investors grouped together in a “Building 100” club.
- The mobilisation of an international network of energy-efficient buildings and nearly zero energy buildings experts as the basis for future technical assistance programs.
- Communications at international events throughout the year, including a possible high-level event on financing the low-carbon building transition at mid-term.
Learn more about the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Campaign
The campaign will highlight commitments to promote nearly zero energy buildings:
- At the eighth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8) meeting in Beijing, China, on June 6–8, 2017.
- Through the “Building 100” club, a network of pioneer buildings sector stakeholders such as building owners, developers, investors, and financing institutions.
- Via a public call for a Nearly Zero Energy strategy open to national and relevant subnational governments.
- At the ninth Clean Energy Ministerial meeting (CEM9), to be co-hosted by the European Union, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the Nordic Council in 2018.
The coalition
The NZEB campaign is carried out in close collaboration with the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GABC), which was launched in December 2015 to strengthen cooperation for zero-emission, efficient, and resilient buildings. GABC brings together 24 countries representing 1.4 billion inhabitants (including 12 CEM member countries) and 72 non-state organisations. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) serves as its Secretariat. The NZEB campaign is co-led by France and the European Commission, in partnership with GABC, UNEP, the International Energy Agency, the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation, and the World Resources Institute.
Why it’s needed
To meet the commitments of the Paris Agreement and to implement nationally determined contributions. The development of a low-carbon or near zero energy buildings industry in each country is crucial. Despite a surge of awareness and commitment across stakeholder groups, the energy savings and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation targets being set for the buildings sector are not yet ambitious enough to achieve the Paris Agreement’s pledges. A below 2°C pathway requires reducing global energy and process-based CO2 emissions by 60% in 2050 compared to 2012. For the buildings sector, this means avoiding at least 50% of projected growth in energy consumption through mainstreaming of highly energy-efficient, near-zero, net-zero energy, and energy-plus buildings in new construction, as well as massive uptake of deep renovation of the existing building stock by 2030.
To ensure that NZEB becomes a priority for new building construction and building renovation in all countries. Technical and innovative solutions that easily integrate energy efficiency into buildings in combination with renewable energy generation, notably on-building generation, exist today. And governments are increasingly committing to net-zero/low-carbon buildings standards and development. For example, France and all European Union Member States are working to have all new buildings meet NZEB standards by 1 January 2021. In addition, 85 countries directly or implicitly mention various buildings sector energy efficiency actions in their nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement. However, much remains to be done worldwide, and the development of a low-carbon or near zero energy buildings industry in each country is crucial.