G7 Energy Ministers Note CEM Contributions to Clean Energy Progress in Sapporo Communique
16 April 2023 – The Japanese G7 Climate, Energy, and Environment Ministers’ Communique reaffirms G7 member commitment to the Paris Agreement and keeping a 1.5 degrees temperature increase within reach. Listed as one of the key initiatives for collective action, CEM and individual CEM work programme’s are referenced throughout the document including:

CEM as a collective action platform
CEM is highlighted as a significant initiative for developing, demonstrating, and deploying clean and renewable energy solutions. This includes the importance of last year’s ministerial, the Global Clean Energy Action Forum in Pittsburgh, USA, and this year’s CEM14/ MI8 in India in July 2023 alongside the Indian G20 Energy Ministerial.
Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative
IDDI was welcomed as a specific initiative helping to lower industrial emissions through incentivizing green public procurement, working on standards and definitions, and working towards a uniform embodied carbon accounting framework. The initiative is also highlighted in the Industrial Decarbonization Agenda appendix as important for consultation with the IEA’s Working Party on Industrial Decarbonisation. Learn more about IDDI here.
Drive to Zero MOU
The MOU on Zero Emission Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicles (Drive to Zero) was highlighted as a specific example on how to support vehicle decarbonisation. Drive to Zero welcomes public and private organizations to sign on to the MOU, which has a goal of 100% zero-emission new truck and bus sales and manufacturing by 2040. To learn more, click here.
Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment Initiative (SEAD)
SEAD is a joint initiative of the CEM and Energy Efficiency Hub and is dedicated to spurring deployment of high-efficiency appliances and equipment world-wide. As a key initiative for appliance efficiency, the group focuses on knowledge sharing between and within regional markets, and targeted campaigns like the Product Efficiency Call to Action, which aim to double the efficiency of industrial motors, residential A/C, indoor lighting, and residential refrigerators for signatory countries by 2030. To learn more about SEAD, click here.
Equal by 30
the Equal by 30 campaign was first referred to in 2018 by the G7. Since then, G7 members have reaffirmed their commitment towards gender equality and diversity in the clean energy sector. This year, G7 members committed to increase efforts to better collect gender-disaggregated data and cooperate with CEM and others in tracking progress.
Read the full G7 Climate, Energy, and Environment Ministers’ Communique here.