Focus on India: Policy Best Practices for Industrial Efficiency
27 September 2011
The Solutions Center is working with India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency to engage policymakers in a dialogue to foster industrial efficiency in India. In this webinar-based training—which is part of a series in which the Solutions Center provides assistance and global best practice information tailored to the circumstances and priorities of specific countries—panelists provide a framework under which policymakers in India can discuss policies and programs to further industrial efficiency efforts in their country. And, participants learn from successful policies and program implementation around the world. In particular, we:
- Introduce the Solutions Center to policymakers and analysts in India
- Provide an overview of industrial efficiency policy and program best practices from around the world and opportunities for enhanced use in India
- Discuss how the Solutions Center can be of most value to India with design and use of industrial efficiency policies and programs.
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View Webinar Content
Presentation—G.C. Datta Roy: Industrial Energy Efficiency: India)
Presentation—Jim Quinn: Industrial Energy Efficiency: United States
Dr. G.C. Datta Roy, Chief Executive Officer, Dalkia Energy Services Limited
Dr. Datta Roy provides an overview of and outlook for industrial efficiency policies and programs in India, including examination of energy efficiency market and market drivers.
Dr. Dr G C Datta Roy is the CEO of Dalkia Energy Services Ltd, formerly DSCL Energy Services Co., Ltd., and now a member of the French MNC Veolia/Dalkia group, the world’s largest environment and energy services business group. Dalkia is the largest energy service company in India, providing energy efficiency, renewable energy and CDM development projects in India and many other developing countries. Dr Datta Roy has over 40 years experience in the manufacturing and energy sectors in different capacities. He is actively involved with India’s major energy efficiency and environment trade associations, including CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM, and PHDCCI. As member of the CII, Dr. Datta Roy played a significant role in development of the EC Act of India and subsequent development of a work plan for India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency. He has contributed in developing sectoral strategies for the energy sector as a team member in several international projects. As member of the CII Committee on Climate Change, he was involved in development of the strategy paper recommending India’s position related to Kyoto Protocol from the industries perspective.
Jim Quinn, Industrial Technologies Program, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Mr. Quinn discusses lessons learned from industrial energy efficiency programs in the United States, highlighting best practices for addressing energy use and industrial competitiveness.
James Quinn manages International Programs for the Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) in the U.S. Department of Energy DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. ITP partners with industry, states, utilities and other organizations to encourage the use of the latest technologies to save energy and reduce CO2, and to provide industry with a robust set of energy management tools, information resources, and technical assistance to save energy. Mr. Quinn leads industrial initiatives to work with China, India, Brazil, Kazakhstan and other nations to utilize energy management techniques and advanced technologies to improve energy intensity in industry. He is also the U.S. representative to the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Industrial Energy-Related Technologies and Systems (IETS), a member of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group for the new ISO 50001 standard, and works on various multilateral energy initiatives including the Global Superior Energy Performance partnership.
Sanjaya Shrestha, UNIDO
Sanjaya Shrestha provides highlights of international policy and program best practices.
Sanjaya Shrestha joined United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in 2002 and is presently based at the UNIDO Headquarters in Vienna and working for the Energy and Climate Change Branch. His responsibilities include development, implementation and monitoring of industrial energy efficiency projects including support to accelerated uptake of clean energy efficient industrial technologies/systems. He is managing industrial energy efficiency projects in the South East Asia region and India. Previously, Mr. Shrestha was in the UNIDO Regional Office for South Asia in New Delhi for five years looking after energy and environment projects. Before joining UNIDO, he worked as Manager for ESCO companies in Bangkok and Sydney.