


Webinars CESC

Resources countries

We have offered dozens of training webinars on priority clean energy policy topics that policymakers in countries around the world can adapt for their own use. Many expert panelists and thousands of policymakers and others have participated in these unique training opportunities. Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming webinars. Or, browse the recorded webinars listed below.

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency for Energy Access: Latest Trends and Innovations

A webinar focused on the latest trends and innovations in appliance efficiency and their role in increasing access to clean, reliable and low-cost energy.

24 April 2018

Energy Access

Mobilizing Commercial Finance to Achieve Universal Energy Access Across sub-Saharan Africa

A discussion of the gap between available capital and the amount of financing required to scale up businesses in the off-grid energy industry in Africa—and potential solutions.

13 February 2018

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Exploring Opportunities for PAYG Solar as a Driver of Financial Inclusion

A webinar highlighting the opportunities for Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) solar to be a driver of mobile money adoption and introduce a new tool to guide rapid market assessments.

26 September 2017

Energy Access

Leveraging Open Data and Analytics toward Universal Access: New Open Source Tool Supports Better Electrification Planning

An introduction to the Electrification Pathways application, a new tool that considers a variety of publicly available data to determine the least-cost options for bringing electricity to areas as small as one square kilometer.

20 July 2017

Energy Access


Renewable Energy

Financing Clean Energy Solutions in Developing Nations

Training covering energy access, end-user finance, enabling environments for project development, and small and growing clean energy businesses in developing countries, including case studies

11 June 2012

Energy Access

Women’s Energy Entrepreneurship

A Women’s Energy Entrepreneurship webinar highlighting the data and evidence base around women's entrepreneurship in the energy sector that participants can use to inform policy and program design going forward.

27 March 2020

Energy Access

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Scaling Microgrid Deployment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spotlight on the Role of Batteries

A webinar on scaling microgrid deployment in sub-Saharan Africa, including recent research from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on the role of batteries in microgrids and two new case studies.

26 September 2019

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

State of the Off-Grid Appliance Market: Connecting the Data on Market Trends, Jobs, and SDG 7

A webinar on key findings from the New 2019 Efficiency for Access State of the Off-Grid Appliance Market Report and the World Bank Group Lighting Global program’s Market Research on Productive Use Leveraging Solar Energy (PULSE) report.

24 September 2019

Energy Access

Powering Jobs: Quantifying the Energy Access Employment Opportunity

A review of the Powering Jobs Census—the first comprehensive census of the decentralized renewable sector and its role in creating direct jobs as well as productive jobs in the communities being electrified for the first time.

25 July 2019

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Promoting High-performing Off-grid Appliances: Opportunities for Policymakers

A webinar on how policymakers can use test methods, quality standards and labelling to promote high-performing, off-grid appropriate appliances.

9 July 2019

Energy Access

Puerto Rico Clean and Resilient Energy Solutions

An overview of the actions taken by the Puerto Rican Government following the devastation of Hurricane Maria.

25 June 2019

Energy Access

Empowering Livelihoods: New Research on Off-grid Appliances and Equipment

An exploration of the role of off-grid appliances and equipment in empowering resource-constrained communities.

23 October 2018

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Global Plan of Action: Mainstreaming Sustainable Energy Solutions in Displacement Settings

A webinar on how the Global Plan of Action Framework works to support and amplify the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, the Agenda for Humanity as well as existing energy/humanitarian interventions, such as the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) Working Group, the UN Refugee Agency’s Global Strategy for SAFE, the World Food Programme’s SAFE initiative, the Moving Energy Initiative and the Smart Communities Coalition.

25 September 2018

Energy Access


Renewable Energy

Getting Investment Where It’s Needed: How do we level the playing field?

A review of the key findings from REN21’s Renewables 2018 Global Status Report and an examination of varying investment levels across regions and their impact on access, specifically across developing countries, Africa and India.

26 June 2018

Energy Access


Tariff-setting Approaches for Rural Electrification

A webinar on tariff-setting strategies and considerations for isolated mini-grids in rural electrification contexts that will cover best practices and will provide resources to use in adopting them.

25 April 2018

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Energy Management: Benefits, Challenges and Energy-savings Opportunities in Small and Medium-sized Hotels

A webinar sharing best practices to promote affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy use among small and medium-sized hotels in the Americas.

14 March 2018

Energy Access

Le Pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) et les compteurs prépayés: Modèles d’entreprise innovants pour l’électrification rurale

Un survol des modèles d’entreprise innovants des compagnies PAYGO et des compteurs prépayés et tente de fournir une synthèse de leurs avantages ainsi que des défis qui persistent.

18 January 2018

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Understanding the Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic on Utility Revenues and Retail Electricity Rates: Case Study on Thailand

An exploration of the impact of distributed photovoltaics (PV) on distribution utility revenue and retail electricity rates in Thailand.

14 December 2017