


Webinars CESC

Resources countries

We have offered dozens of training webinars on priority clean energy policy topics that policymakers in countries around the world can adapt for their own use. Many expert panelists and thousands of policymakers and others have participated in these unique training opportunities. Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming webinars. Or, browse the recorded webinars listed below.

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

The Response by Flexibility on Electricity Project

Introduction to the Reflexe project, a smart grid research project aimed at implementing a smart grid pilot in France's Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region

29 October 2013

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Bangladesh Solar Home System Program: Lessons Learned

Showcase of work underway in Bangladesh to support energy access using off-grid renewable energy

2 October 2013

Renewable Energy

Monitoring and Evaluating Green Public Procurement Programs: Benefits, Case Studies, and Recommendations

Presentation, discussion of key findings from the SEAD Guide for Monitoring and Evaluating (M&E) Green Public Procurement Programs, including best practices and lessons learned

25 September 2013

Clean Transport

Development Impact Assessment in the Transport Sector

A webinar on identifying and evaluating the impacts of implementing sustainable transport systems on national development priorities, such as economic growth, health and gender equality.

24 September 2013

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Energy Efficient Public Procurement: Best Practice in Program Delivery

Discussion of the challenges in delivering public procurement programs with a presentation of creative solutions adopted by different countries to overcome these challenges

18 September 2013

Clean Transport


Transport Readiness for and Access to Climate Finance

A webinar addressing the appropriate framework for preparing for climate finance in the transport sector, how to access climate finance opportunities and how to address challenges.

17 September 2013

Clean Transport


Overview of Planning and Financing Sustainable Low-Carbon Urban Transport

A webinar covering planning instruments and financing opportunities, planning and financing sources and instruments, case studies and key issues, and key partners and stakeholders for financing urban transport.

10 September 2013

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Modernizing Building Energy Codes to Secure our Global Energy Future

Discussion of this report, which shares best practices and lessons learned among IEA member countries and non-IEA countries in improving energy efficiency in the building sector

20 August 2013

Energy Efficiency


The Future of Industrial Energy Efficiency Finance in China

Exploration of the issues and possible solutions for the future of industrial energy finance in China, including a snapshot of the industrial energy efficiency financing landscape

30 July 2013

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Off-grid Energy Storage

Comprehensive overview of technical innovations and discussion of the on-the-ground challenges for off-grid energy storage

18 July 2013

Energy Efficiency

ISGAN Smart Grid Project Webinar Series: Transactive Control

Presentation of the Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration project and an introduction to transactive control, a smart grid application

10 July 2013

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Sustainable Energy for All's New Global Tracking Framework

Presentation of the first Global Tracking Framework report, which reviews 180 countries’ status with respect to action on energy access, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and energy consumption

27 June 2013

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

IEA's New Publication: Transition to Sustainable Buildings: Strategies and Opportunities to 2050

Dissemination of findings from this new publication, which examines the role of technologies and policies in transforming the way energy is used in the buildings sector

27 June 2013

Energy Efficiency

Benchmarking of Countries' Energy Efficiency

Discussion of the benchmarking of energy efficiency performances and policies, including information about how country comparisons can be carried out

20 June 2013

Energy Efficiency


Renewable Energy

Breaking Through the Information Barrier

Exploration of ways of making information on energy technologies and practices freely available and how policymakers can use such information to drive implementation

13 June 2013

Renewable Energy

Policy Derisking for Renewable Energy

Sharing of experiences and lessons learned in deploying policy-derisking instruments to promote renewable energy investment

12 June 2013

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Institutionalizing Energy Training on Rural Electrification

Presentation of current approaches to developing local capacity by institutionalizing training on rural electrification in developing countries

22 May 2013

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

IEC's Discount Packages to Access Sustainable Energy Standards for Rural Electrification

Highlighting of the International Electrotechnical Commission’s work on renewable energy standards, including an exploration of global quality standards

14 May 2013