Webinars CESC
We have offered dozens of training webinars on priority clean energy policy topics that policymakers in countries around the world can adapt for their own use. Many expert panelists and thousands of policymakers and others have participated in these unique training opportunities. Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming webinars. Or, browse the recorded webinars listed below.
Renewable Energy
Solar Power
Policies for Large-Scale PV
The second of an eight-module training course by the the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.
7 March 2019 to 5 May 2019
Energy Efficiency
Efficiency for Agricultural Technologies: An Expert Conversation on Latest Findings, Remaining Gaps and Future Outlook
An expert roundtable discussion about several upcoming research outputs led by various members and partners of the Efficiency for Access Coalition.
19 February 2019
Renewable Energy
Solar Power
The Future of Solar Policy
The third of an eight-module training course by the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.
24 January 2019 to 8 October 2019
Grid Integration
Support Required for Local Off-grid Small and Medium Enterprises
A webinar highlighting the challenges of last-mile distribution and potential solutions for off-grid energy enterprises and companies to scale.
11 December 2018
Energy Efficiency
Eficiencia Energética en Edificios Públicos
El Clean Energy Solutions Center, en colaboración con el Gobierno de México, está organizando un seminario web sobre eficiencia energética en edificios públicos.
25 October 2018
Energy Efficiency
Policies to Strengthen the Role of Citizens in the Energy Transition
A webinar on best practices to promote citizens’ participation in the energy transition.
20 September 2018
Renewable Energy
Solar Power
Off-Grid Solar
The seventh of an eight-module training course by the the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.
14 September 2018 to 20 May 2019
Renewable Energy
Solar Power
Policies for Distributed PV
The first of an eight-module training course by the the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.
13 September 2018 to 13 September 2019
Renewable Energy
From a Renewable Electricity Transformation to a Renewable Energy System Transformation: Renewables in Heating, Cooling, and Transport
A dive into the status of renewables in the heating, cooling and transport sectors and what is needed to speed the uptake of renewables to meet climate objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals.
21 June 2018
Carbon Capture
Framework for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) in the Clean Energy Ministerial
An overview and discussion of potential activities in the newly launched CCUS Initiative.
17 May 2018
Renewable Energy
Utility-Scale Storage: If, When, What Type, How Much, and Where?
A webinar providing a state-of-the-industry overview of the considerations related to cost-effective deployment of energy storage in power systems pursuing high penetrations of variable renewable energy.
16 May 2018
Energy Access
Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency for Energy Access: Latest Trends and Innovations
A webinar focused on the latest trends and innovations in appliance efficiency and their role in increasing access to clean, reliable and low-cost energy.
24 April 2018
Energy Efficiency
Monitoring Energy Transition
A presentation of the Enerdata Transition Monitoring (EnerTraM) tool
7 March 2018
Energy Access
Mobilizing Commercial Finance to Achieve Universal Energy Access Across sub-Saharan Africa
A discussion of the gap between available capital and the amount of financing required to scale up businesses in the off-grid energy industry in Africa—and potential solutions.
13 February 2018
Energy Access
Renewable Energy
Solar Power
Exploring Opportunities for PAYG Solar as a Driver of Financial Inclusion
A webinar highlighting the opportunities for Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) solar to be a driver of mobile money adoption and introduce a new tool to guide rapid market assessments.
26 September 2017
Renewable Energy
Boston Community Energy Study
An exploration of the resilience provided by microgrids in the face of potential threats, including severe weather events and terrorism, with a focus on the Boston Community Energy Study.
14 September 2017
Energy Access
Leveraging Open Data and Analytics toward Universal Access: New Open Source Tool Supports Better Electrification Planning
An introduction to the Electrification Pathways application, a new tool that considers a variety of publicly available data to determine the least-cost options for bringing electricity to areas as small as one square kilometer.
20 July 2017
Renewable Energy
2017 CEM Energy Management Leadership Awards
Presentations on how to participate in the 2017 CEM Energy Management Leadership Awards.
10 January 2017 to 12 January 2017