


Webinars CESC

Resources countries

We have offered dozens of training webinars on priority clean energy policy topics that policymakers in countries around the world can adapt for their own use. Many expert panelists and thousands of policymakers and others have participated in these unique training opportunities. Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming webinars. Or, browse the recorded webinars listed below.

Renewable Energy

Clean Energy Policy Analysis with RETScreen

Introduction to this toolkit, which aims to provide appropriate and effective policy support tools for those designing, implementing, and monitoring compliance with clean energy policy

26 April 2013

Renewable Energy

Unleashing Climate and Energy Knowledge with Linked Open Data and Consistent Terminology

Training on how energy data can be categorized automatically and consistently to break down barriers to information access

12 March 2013

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Hybrid Renewable Mini-Grids

Investigation of the different policies that mini-grids warrant and the requirements of sustainable mini-grid electrification programs

6 March 2013

Grid Integration

Regulatory Issues and the Deployment of Smart Grids

Training on regulatory regimes, costs and benefits, best practices and regulatory frameworks for smart grids, drawing on case studies from Europe

22 January 2013

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Energy Efficient Outdoor Lighting: The Global Energy Savings Opportunity and Tools to Facilitate Lighting Upgrades

Outcomes of case studies from Lighting the Clean Revolution: The Rise of LEDs and What it Means for Cities and presentation of a new tool for evaluating street lighting purchases

12 December 2012

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

UNEP/GEF en.lighten initiative and the Efficient Lighting Toolkit

Highlights of examples of best practices in policy development, quality control mechanisms and environmental sustainability

5 December 2012


Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Unlocking Markets and Supporting Innovation in Smart Grids

Presentations of approaches taken in India and Ontario (Canada) to engage stakeholders

29 November 2012

Renewable Energy

Focus on Mexico: Promoting ENERGY STAR and LEED Certification

Discussion of the design, promotion and implementation of certification programs, as well as incentives and outreach activities can be used to advance certification programs

29 November 2012

Energy Efficiency


Energy Efficiency Financing (IPEEC Webinar Series)

Discussion highlighting innovative financing mechanisms and best practices that have enhanced market penetration of energy efficient technologies

27 September 2012

Renewable Energy

Global LEAP: Setting Priorities

Forum for hearing from Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (LEAP) team members and discussing prospective activities with them

23 July 2012

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Tracking Clean Energy Progress: Where do we stand and how do we get back on track?

Discussion of these new report's key findings and a preview of the detailed analysis that will come in Energy Technology Perspectives 2012

10 May 2012

Renewable Energy

REN21 Renewables 2011 Global Status Report

Annual overview of the renewable energy market, industry, investment and policy development worldwide

19 March 2012

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Focus on India: Policy Best Practices for Industrial Efficiency

Presentation of a framework with which policymakers can discuss policies and programs to advance industrial efficiency efforts in India

27 September 2011

Energy Efficiency


Financial and Policy Innovations to Support Energy Efficiency: Energy Performance Contracting and On-Bill Financing

Accounts of policies that enable use of energy performance contracting and models of programs that allow on-bill utility financing of energy efficiency improvements

19 July 2011

Energy Efficiency

Appliance and Equipment Standards

Presentation of Pushing the Energy Efficiency Envelope through Appliance Standards around the World

5 April 2011