Financial and Policy Innovations to Support Energy Efficiency: Energy Performance Contracting and On-Bill Financing
19 July 2011
In this webinar-based training, we provide in-depth presentations that describe two types of innovative energy efficiency financing policies: (1) policies that enable use of energy performance contracting and (2) models of programs that allow for on-bill utility financing of energy efficiency improvements.
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View Webinar Content
Presentation—Katrina Managan: Enabling Policy for Energy Performance Contracting
Presentation—Cath Bremner: Low Carbon Australia
Katrina Managan
Katrina Managan, Program Manager with the Institute for Building Efficiency at Johnson Controls, will review two building upgrade projects, one in the United States and another in Asia, and discuss the policy and market conditions that enabled these projects to succeed using energy performance contracting. From these case studies, the presentation will discuss lessons learned about the types of policies that can enable performance contracting given different market conditions.
Cath Bremner
Cath Bremner, Chief Operating Officer of Low Carbon Australia, will present case studies of government policies and programs that are supporting on-bill utility financing of energy efficiency in Australia. This will include review of laws for structuring and controlling lending relationships to protect consumers and a variety of necessary policies to protect and incentivize utility and customer participation. The presentation will highlight the most important features for effective deployment of on-bill financing efficiency solutions around the world.