Webinars CESC
We have offered dozens of training webinars on priority clean energy policy topics that policymakers in countries around the world can adapt for their own use. Many expert panelists and thousands of policymakers and others have participated in these unique training opportunities. Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming webinars. Or, browse the recorded webinars listed below.
Clean Energy Transition
Renewable Energy
Policy Programs and Their Impact to Increase the Deployment of Clean Energy Solutions in the Latin American Region
9 March 2023
Vietnam: Corporate Renewable Energy Update
A webinar featuring information about corporate renewable energy opportunities and market developments in Vietnam.
16 April 2019
Introduction to RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software
An introduction to the powerful capabilities of the RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software.
12 January 2016
Green Banks
Clean Energy in Two U.S. States (California Energy Storage Alliance)
Highlights of programs in California and Connecticut that won CESA’s 2014 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards.
16 January 2015
Renewable Energy
The Future of Feed-In Tariffs
A global perspective on the future of feed-in tariffs, including evaluations of three criticisms of FITs
6 October 2014
Net Metering and Net Billing
Net Energy Metering Update on Key Distributed Generation Policy (Advanced Energy Economy)
This webinar hosted by the Advanced Energy Economy offers perspectives on net energy metering.
20 May 2014
Renewable Energy
Accessing Private Capital for Clean Energy Investments in Developing Countries
Showcase of successes of working with project developers and other project proponents to help attract investors and reach financial closure
20 November 2012
Energy Access
Renewable Energy
Financing Clean Energy Solutions in Developing Nations
Training covering energy access, end-user finance, enabling environments for project development, and small and growing clean energy businesses in developing countries, including case studies
11 June 2012
Tax Incentives
Course on Regulation and Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries (Leonardo ENERGY)
A series of 10 recorded webinars on establishing regulations, feed-in tariffs, tradable renewable energy certificates, enabling finance in renewable energy projects, as well as other topics.
1 December 2011 to 19 April 2012
Renewable Energy
Modernization of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
A webinar to launch the new report: Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT): A Global Tragedy at a High Cost for Taxpayers.
12 February 2020
Energy Access
Renewable Energy
Getting Investment Where It’s Needed: How do we level the playing field?
A review of the key findings from REN21’s Renewables 2018 Global Status Report and an examination of varying investment levels across regions and their impact on access, specifically across developing countries, Africa and India.
26 June 2018
Energy Efficiency
Yes, but no: Adoption and Rejection of Energy Efficiency Innovations
A discussion of the energy efficiency barriers that firms and households face in Europe and a look at some illustrative empirical evidence of how these play out.
2 May 2018
Energy Access
Tariff-setting Approaches for Rural Electrification
A webinar on tariff-setting strategies and considerations for isolated mini-grids in rural electrification contexts that will cover best practices and will provide resources to use in adopting them.
25 April 2018
Analyse de comparaison avec RETScreen Expert
Ce webinaire présentera le module d’Analyse de comparaison de RETScreen Expert, y compris des démonstrations sur comment établir vos propres références et comment utiliser la vaste base de données de références de RETScreen.
15 February 2018
Benchmark Analysis with RETScreen
An introduction to to RETScreen Expert's Benchmark Analysis Module, including demonstrations of how to establish your own benchmarks and how to use RETScreen's extensive benchmark database.
16 January 2018
Energy Efficiency
Promoting Energy Efficiency Finance: Examples of Tools and Best Practices
A webinar is to provide policymakers, financiers and energy efficiency practitioners an example of energy efficiency finance tool as well as real world case studies that have proven successful in various energy contexts in and beyond the Americas.
30 November 2017
Transmission Planning for a High Renewable Energy Future: Lessons from the Texas Competitive Renewable Energy Zones Process
An overview of the regulatory, procedural and technical considerations that were critical to the successful implementation of Competitive Renewable Energy Zones in the U.S. state of Texas.
6 September 2017
Analyse de portefeuille avec RETScreen
Formation sur le module Analyse de portefeuille RETScreen de RETScreen Expert, un système complet de gestion d'énergies propres qui permet aux gestionnaires d'énergie de gérer l'énergie à travers un grand nombre de projets, d'installations et de lieux.
11 May 2017