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Advanced Vehicles

The deployment of alternative fuel vehicles and alternative fuel infrastructure may lead to reductions in potentially harmful emissions. Many of the resources to which we provide access are applicable to the public transportation sector, as well as public and private fleets. Not all approaches are appropriate for every situation, and policymakers should focus on cost-effective and domestically available efficiency tools and alternative fuels. Also, policymakers should explore strategies for creating more fuel efficient fleets. See also fuel efficiency and fuel efficiency standards.

Resources CESC

Resources countries


Tools and Websites

Training Materials

2011 Summit Highlights: Transport for Society

This website provides webcasts of keynote speeches as well as presentation slides, session summaries, and other documents from the International…


International Transport Forum

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Policy Data


Tools and Websites

Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center: Federal and State Incentives and Laws Database

This database provides information on U.S. federal and state laws and incentives related to alternative fuels and vehicles, air quality,…


United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Deployment Data

Policy Data

Tools and Websites

Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center: Data, Analysis, and Trends (Website)

This website provides data and trends related to alternative fuels and vehicles. Here, policymakers, entrepreneurs, fuel users and other parties…


United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Deployment Data


Tools and Websites

Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center: Fleet Experiences

This compilation of case studies shows how fleets are using alternative fuel vehicles, dealing with infrastructure issues, obtaining funding and…


United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Deployment Data


Tools and Websites

Clean Cities (Website)

This is the website for the U.S. Department of Energy Clean Cities Program; A government-industry partnership that aims to advance…


United States Department of Energy


Tools and Websites

Clean Vehicle Europe: Clean Vehicle Portal (Website)

The Clean Vehicle Portal as a new web-database aims to ensure a level of demand for clean and energy-efficient road…


Clean Vehicle Europe


Tools and Websites

Training Materials

ClimateTechWiki: A Clean Energy Platform (Website)

This database provides publications, case studies, tools, general discussions, and other resources focusing on a wide variety of technologies. Users…


United Nations

Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs

Energy Research Center of the Netherlands

Joint Implementation Network

University of Edinburgh

Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership


Global Fuel Economy Initiative Auto Fuel Efficiency ToolSet

This resource is designed to provide policymakers and interested individuals and groups with overviews of policy tools and approaches to…


FIA Foundation

International Energy Agency

International Transport Forum

United Nations Environment Programme

Deployment Data


Tools and Websites

Information System for the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan)

This website provides information on low carbon energy technologies in support of the European Union’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan).…


European Commission


Tools and Websites

Intelligent Energy: Europe Projects Database

The Intelligent Energy-Europe (IEE) programme is the European Union’s tool for funding action to improve market conditions for energy efficiency…


European Commission


Training Materials

Low-Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) Presentations

This website provides recent presentations and webinars regarding low-carbon vehicles, low-carbon fuels, and policies to reduce carbon emissions in the…


Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP)


Tools and Websites

National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) Energy Program Best Practices (Website)

The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) has assembled a collection of state and local renewable energy and energy…


National Association of State Energy Officials


Tools and Websites

Office of Energy Efficiency (Canada) (Website)

The Natural Resources Canada Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) website provides helpful information users need to save energy, save money…


Natural Resources Canada

Tools and Websites

Petroleum Reduction Planning Tool

This interactive tool helps fleets, consumers and business owners create a strategy to reduce conventional fuel use in fleet and…


United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Deployment Data

Policy Data


Tools and Websites

The Alliance to Save Energy (Website)

This website presents resources and programs produced by the Alliance to Save Energy – a nonprofit organization that promotes energy…


The Alliance to Save Energy

Policy Data


The Sourcebook on Sustainable Urban Transport

The Sourcebook addresses the key areas of a sustainable transport policy framework for developing cities. It consists of more than…


Sustainable Urban Transport Project - Asia


Tools and Websites

Toolkit for Clean Fleet Strategy Development (Online Version)

This online toolkit helps public and private sector organizations to develop a strategy for reducing the envrionmental impacts of their…


United Nations


Tools and Websites

Training Materials

Toolkit for Clean Fleet Strategy Development

This textbook helps public and private sector organizations to develop a strategy for reducing the envrionmental impacts of their fleet.…


United Nations