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Energy-Water-Food Nexus

Sufficient and secure supplies of energy, water and food are required to support the basic functioning of society and help promote resilient, sustainable development. These resource needs are becoming increasingly interdependent in the face of population growth, climate change, changing consumption patterns and urbanization. Informed planning for future development requires a sophisticated understanding of the complex interrelationships between the energy, water and food sectors. While competing demands for resources poses challenges, they also create opportunities for integrated solutions. The energy-water-food nexus resources help identify solutions that consider collective impacts and provide tools and strategies to promote sustainable development outcomes.

On these pages, the topics of energy, water and food are represented as “sectors”. Each sector considers the interrelationship between energy, water and food using an “input model”. For example, the land/food sector presents how energy and water are inputs to the land/food sector. The integrated approaches topic considers the interrelationship of all three sectors.

Energy Sector

The topic of energy includes energy sources in the built environment, electricity and thermal energy, and transportation sectors as well as industry impacts from energy use. Each subtopic is categorized by the competing demands for water and land/food resources associated with each energy source. The topic also emphasizes policies, standards and best practices for each energy source that relates to water and land/food resources. Learn more.

Food Sector

The topic of food refers to both food and land resources. It includes fertilizers and pesticides, food production and industry impacts associated with the land/food sector. Each subtopic is categorized by the competing demands for water and energy resources. The topic also emphasizes policies, standards and best practices for land/food as they relate to water and energy resources. Learn more.

Water Sector

The topic of water is broken into major use categories, including source water, drinking water, wastewater and reuse, and it considers industry impacts from water use. Each subtopic is categorized by the competing demands for energy and land/food resources associated with each water source. The topic also emphasizes policies, standards and best practices for each water source that relates to energy and land/food resources. Learn more.

Integrated Approaches

The integrated approaches topic considers actions that affect all three sectors of the energy-water-food nexus. This section presents an integrated perspective on models and tools, polices and plans, resource security and technology solutions that facilitate nexus thinking or problem solving in support of sustainable development. Using an integrated approach ensures the interests of each sector are fairly represented and that no sector is short-changed in development decisions. Learn more.

Resources CESC

Resources countries


Climate action and the energy transition: IRENA Member survey on Nationally Determined Contributions

This survey of 51 IRENA Members reveals the key priorities, challenges and support requirements identified by countries in relation to…


International Renewable Energy Agency


1 June 2024


Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report 2024

This annual report tracks global progress toward UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 and serves as a guide for policymakers and…


International Renewable Energy Agency


1 June 2024

Tools and Websites

Good Clean Energy Jobs Powered by the Inflation Reduction Act

As part of the Good Jobs Initiative, the U.S. Dept of Labor is tracking clean energy projects that could potentially…


U.S. Department of Labor

Tools and Websites

State of the US Clean Energy Transition: Recent Progress, and What Comes Next

The U.S. clean energy sector received massive legislative wins in recent years, particularly with the Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure…


World Resources Institute


7 February 2024


World Energy Scenario Foundations 2024

This document offers a glimpse of the foundations on which a new scenario set might be built to 2050, with…


World Energy Council


18 April 2024


Clean Energy Market Monitor

This report aims to fill a gap by providing a timely, high-level overview of clean energy technology deployment for 2023…


International Energy Agency


1 March 2024


Monitoring Progress of the Technology Roadmap (TRM) 2021

The Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum Technical Group (CSLF TG) issued a Technical Roadmap (TRM) in April 2021. The TRM highlighted…


Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum


13 October 2022


Scaling Up Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries

This document highlights the building blocks of solid energy efficiency policy planning and implementation in developing economies and provides practical…


United States Agency International Development


1 November 2020


Reshaping Australian Food Systems

Food systems encompass the production, processing, packaging, distribution, consumption and disposal of food and beverages, as well as related social,…


Australia's National Science Agency

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


15 June 2023


Energy Efficiency Policy Workshop: Developing Fuel Economy Regulations

This document is a summary report of the APEC Energy Working Group (EWG) Workshop: Developing Fuel Economy Regulations, held on…


Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation


1 June 2019

Tools and Websites

Building America's Clean Energy Future - Interactive Map

This web resource provides an interactive map on how the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are leading to…


U.S. Department of Energy


22 March 2024


Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Pipeline Development: Federal Initiatives

Carbon dioxide (CO2) pipelines are essential components of carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems which are proposed to reduce atmospheric…


Congressional Research Service


2 May 2023


New Energy Outlook 2022

The New Energy Outlook 2022 by BloomberNEF provides two new scenarios to map how the energy transition may proceed from…




1 January 2022